We’ve all heard of a well known blackcurrant cordial beginning with ‘R’ but it’s not difficult to make your own! It’s a great activity to do with the kids and a quick and easy way to use your Cammas fruit.
500g blackcurrants
250g golden caster sugar
300ml water
2 lemons (juice only)
Give your blackcurrants a wash and remove all the stems. Pop them into a large saucepan with the sugar and water and heat gently, stirring them until the sugar has dissolved.
Cook them gently for about another five minutes until the fruit begins to break down (you can use a potato masher help things along!) and then stir in the lemon juice.
Strain the mixture through a fine sieve or muslin and allow to stand until all the juice has dripped through.
Pour into sterilised bottles and seal. Allow to cool and then chill in the fridge for up to four weeks until required.
The children can drink it diluted with water or lemonade. The grown ups can add it to champagne, prosecco or cava to make a refreshing Kir Royale!